10 Signs That You Are An Overprotective Parent (according to my 14-year-old)

My younger son and I had a little spat the other day because I would not let him have a sleepover.

My reason?

He has been sick since mid-December with a stomach virus, the flu, strep throat and most recently, a sinus infection that put him on a second 10-day course of antibiotics that he finished just three days before the requested sleep over. I made the crazy (to him) statement that I wanted him to get some rest so he could recover from this string of illnesses.

His response? “You are so overprotective! People get sick. Who cares?!”

He’s right, people do get sick but sleeping does help them recover. (Besides, I HATE sleepovers but that wasn’t part of my argument at the time).

He’s also correct that I am overprotective…ish. In my defense, I pointed out that I was willing to let him go to Italy this summer as part of his Latin class. “That seems sort of reckless if you think about it,” I told him.

He scoffed. “The only reason you agreed to let me go is because you knew that my classmates’ parents would say no,” he told me. “You knew I wouldn’t want to go without my friends.”

We will never know because, of course, as I knew, his classmates’ parents said no.

See, where my oldest is a little more cautious my youngest leaps before he looks. So, I have to say things like, “Can you not run down the ice-covered sidewalk? It’s a little slippery after the ice storm.”

Does that mean I’m overprotective or is it my job to warn my accident-prone son of the dangers that he would never notice until it was too late and we were in the ER…again.

Mind you, this is the kid who, among other things ran into a pole (those big cement things that don’t move) when he was younger and required multiple stitches, hurt his tailbone by taking a jump with a sled on a pile of icy rocks, and slammed his knee into a metal pipe trying to jump over a series of metal pipes.

I know, I know. Boys will be boys, but does that mean I’m overly cautious when I suggest that maybe he NOT ski straight down a mountain.

Well, according to my 14-year-old I am.

Here are 10 more examples of things that I’ve said that my youngest found unreasonable, restrictive and just plain no fun. I call them parenting decisions; he calls them torture:

  1. I told him he couldn’t have a motorized mini-bike when he was 10-years-old because he would drive it on the street and it can fit under a car and, well, he was 10 (have you seen what can happen with those things??);

  1. I made him wear a bike helmet;
  2. I had to be allowed to “friend.” “like,” and “follow” him on all of his social media accounts (and, yes, I know that he might have other accounts I don’t know about but his brother does…);
  3. I say crazy things like, “Be careful!” and “Don’t do anything stupid,” when he is engaging in any activity that could result in bodily injury and/or death like skiing, climbing a tree, or being a boy;
  4. I talk to him about the dangers of drug addiction, alcohol abuse and unprotected sex – often – and usually over his very loud objections about discussing this topic with his mom;
  5. I told him – all 5′ 5″ and 115 pounds of him – that he could not tryout to be the kicker for the high school football team (did I mention that he is only 115 pounds?!);
  6. I don’t let him drink coffee before bed (yes, he’s asked);
  7. I make him eat things like fish and vegetables because they are good for him;
  8. I make him set his social media accounts to private so strangers can’t access them and I tell him not to share his passwords with anyone even when he insists that no one he knows would do anything stupid like log on to his accounts and post inappropriate things;

And the most ridiculous thing that I make him do?

  1. I make him tell me where he is going and (gasp!) who he is going to be with!

I don’t know how he stands it.


What do you think? Am I overprotective? Are you?




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7 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by thepurplebeagle on February 9, 2015 at 7:49 pm

    Let him have the sleepover. In 4 years, you’ll be lucky if he even had friends over anymore (or if you’ll ever see him… Lol). He’ll also be getting ready to go away to college. My kids have been sick. My son almost died once from an asthma attack. So I know what worrying is… Trust me, I get it. But enjoy the fact that he wants to be home with his friends. Pretty soon the house will be quiet. The only things you’ll regret are the things you didn’t do as a parent… Hugs! Best of luck!



    • I know you are right- I have one in college and I wish for those days back. I just so hate sleepovers and watching my kid be sick. I did admit to being overprotective-ish!



      • Posted by thepurplebeagle on February 9, 2015 at 8:04 pm

        Lol… I know you did! Haha I always hated sleepovers too. My son refused to sleep at them regardless of whether they were at our house or at a friend’s. He would come home so sleep sick that he would throw up all day from a migraine. And it s every single time! Finally I put a bedtime on the sleepovers for midnight. Lights out and no phones, talking, etc. And… Sleepovers only at our house, not at a friend’s. That way I could keep a little control. Have fun with it. Tonight I’m dealing with an angry teenage daughter who was tools she probably won’t be allowed to drive to school tomorrow because it’s so icy here. She leaves for college in August. I’m going to miss her… Lol


  2. Posted by thepurplebeagle on February 9, 2015 at 7:50 pm

    My kids are 21 and 18. I should have mentioned that… Lol



  3. My kids are still young but I can just imagine having this conversation :-)) a hilarious take on mothers being mothers I say. I love reading about older kids as its a new perspective 🙂



  4. Posted by Christina Jones on February 12, 2015 at 8:47 am

    From one overprotective parent to another … I am often told how “mean” I am when I say some of the things you point out in your blog. I guess overprotective and mean are synonyms.



  5. Overprotective is definitely code for mean. I think my kid was trying to soften the blow



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